Monday, December 30, 2019

Women s Media And Gender Roles - 1492 Words

Women have been attacked in society through the media. Mass media are a reflection of society informed by particular power and values (Stirinati, 2006). Although the representation of women is not a copy of reality, mass media act as image and message,’ should be’ a reflection or representation of society (Hollows, 2000). This contributes to condemn gender role in the media and in real society, which leads women to be annihilated and limited in the media. In 1978, Gaye Tuchman called women’s in media situation ‘symbolic annihilation’ of women (Stirinati, 2006). This refers to the way mass media and representations through the media ignore, trivialise and marginalise women and their interest (ibid.). This situation of women in the media has not been changed. Mass media keeps working to reinforce tradition and mislead image of women and gender roles in society against transformation gender role and social changing (Hollows, 2000). The stereotyping in t he media is transmitted to the next generation, and the convention is perpetuated. Therefore, it is clear that Tuchman’s nation true to the contemporary media world. This essay will discuss the situation of ‘symbolic annihilation’ of women in this present by focusing at absence, trivialization, and the marginalization of women in the media. Firstly, the absence of women in media will be discussed. In the media, women are more invisible than men. The sex ratio in the media is unequal, and domination of men is obvious. The mediaShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Media On Women s Perceptions Of Image, Gender Roles, And Overall Self Worth Essay1352 Words   |  6 PagesMedia plays a huge role in people’s perceptions of image, gender roles, and overall self worth. The media is constantly reinforcing limiting stereotypes through television, advertisements, films, and more. These stereotypes are especially geared towards women, suggesting that they have to look and act in an overtly feminine manner in order to be accepted by society. Though there are stereotypical qualities of men illustrated in media as well, they are mostly suggesting that men are dominant andRead MoreGender Roles And The Media867 Words   |  4 Pagescentury, we see women in the media have many roles that men have, such as, police officer, doctor and running to become president, while a nurse and teacher have emerged as both men and women jobs. Over time, the media show how gender role had changed but are what the media is showing the truth about the gender roles in the United States. Historian and scholar had written about this subject of gender roles and how the media affect our view. Thesis statement Reality vs. Fiction Is the media giving theRead MoreGender Roles Of Women And Men1464 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction: Gender Roles in media is how women and men are portrayed in everyday media such as tv shows, movies, and music. Today media can have negative effects on the thought of gender roles in the society because more and more people stereotype following the media, while stereotyping can lead to prejudices and gender discrimination. This is a controversial issue because men and women are depicted a certain way with unequal and identified gender-related stereotypes which influence the societyRead MoreMass Media And Gender In The 1950s752 Words   |  4 PagesMass media has influenced gender norms in the United States since the 1950’s when television became a household phenomenon. 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Gender throughout society plays multiple roles; genderRead MoreGender, Gender And Gender Roles844 Words   |  4 PagesSociety has institutionalized gender roles since the beginning of time, a common one is that women are the nurturers and housekeepers, while men are the breadwinners of household. In spite of centuries, and fighting for women s rights, such as the right to vote in the late 1920s. Women still have roles to fulfill, even in a modern society that is dominated by a virtual world. Gender identification has multiplied from that of men and women, to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ)Read MoreMass Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesMass Media Introduction The evolution of mass media has changed remarkably over decades. Media has been a tool utilized to broadcast information and give entertainment to a broad audience for relatively some time. In many ways, the use of television has helped construct the overall understanding of society. 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We even apply these color-coded gender labels while a baby is still in the womb. Gender socialization occurs through four categories: family, education, peer groups, and mass media. Each category reinforces gender roles by creating and maintaining the norm expectations for gender-specific behavior. At an early age, children have an understanding that thereRead More Judith Lorbers The Social Construction of Gender Essay853 Words   |  4 Pagesabout our contemporary conceptions of gender in her essay, ?The Social Construction of Gender.? Not only does she clearly express her opinions on the roles of physiological differences of the male and female bodies, but she also elaborates on the roles of the mass media and professional sports among other things. It rapidly becomes clear that there are many legitimate arguments that support this moveme nt for near or complete equality in genders and the roles that they perform. Clearly, society

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on The Bloomsbury Group - 1644 Words

The Bloomsbury Group The Bloomsbury Group consisted mainly of family, colleagues, and friends who shared ideas in writing and painting. Bloomsbury signified a group of people who were close in friendship as well as in talent. The Bloomsberries, who were known as the Bloomsbury Group, spent a tremendous amount of time together. Each individual attempted to contribute valuable ideas to one another’s individual works. Two of the most important aspects of the Bloomsberries were Literature and Art. All members of this circle of intellectuals were vastly incorporated with both of these aspects as well as a few others. The most well recognized writer of this group was Virginia Woolf. The Bloomsbury Group is a popular collective†¦show more content†¦And it was impossible to create informality, affection and intimacy, if, like the Victorians, you were always portentously weighing this person or that in the scales of judgement (Marcus 24). For that reason the Bloomsberries rejected critics of the Victorian culture. The Bloomsberries and the Victorians have totally different style. The Bloomsberries style basically had no relation to the Victorian style. Bloomsberries made a lot of judgements. Of course Bloomsbury made judgements- very severe judgements- on human beings, on events, on art. But they delivered such judgements in a style that bore no relation to the Victorian style of pontification ( Marcus 25). The Bloomsberries on the other had a style of making assertions, just by raising their eyebrows. The Victorians had a fascination with beauty. It sprang also from the rejection of the Victorian obsession with beauty- that beauty which cascaded like treacle over every object in the home and emerged in the shape of stucco moulding, buttons, beading,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦, and foliage ( Marcus 25-26). The Bloomsberries as a whole shared many interests with one another. The one common interest that they all shared together was that they all had a love for literature. All of the Bloomsberries loved poetry, art, paintings, as well as reading other people’s works to see how others viewed things as opposed to themselves. This group of people was one of the most prolific intellectualShow MoreRelated Faith in E. M. Forster’s What I Believe Essay521 Words   |  3 Pagesproclamation, such as rationality is good, and subsequently retreat half a step, in this case insisting on the continued necessity of faith. It is an interesting technique and demonstrates much of the complexity of his positions, and arguably those of Bloomsbury insofar as they are a whole. Particularly interesting are his fascination with faith, which forms the bedrock of the argument, and with personal relationships. Forster draws a distinction between â€Å"belief† and â€Å"Belief† in that while he doesRead MoreEssay about Issues in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway630 Words   |  3 PagesIssues in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway revolves around several of the issues that preoccupied the Bloomsbury writers and thinkers as a group. Issues of androgyny, class, madness, and mythology run throughout the novel. While that is hardly an exhaustive list, these notions seem to form the core of the structure of the novel. Woolf herself, when envisioning the project, sought to produce â€Å"a study of insanity and suicide, the world seen by the sane and the insaneRead MoreShort Story : Seduced By Oranges 1377 Words   |  6 PagesORANGES’: FROM HYDE PARK TO 46 GORDON SQUARE (1904-1909) Following the death of her father in 1904, Vanessa Bell uprooted herself and her three siblings, Thoby, Adrian and Virginia from their childhood home in Hyde Park to 46 Gordon Square in London’s Bloomsbury district. It was at 46 Gordon Square that a new way of life and art would begin for the young artist at the age of twenty-five. Describing Bell’s abandonment of their childhood home and her role as a Victorian â€Å"mistress of the house,† her sisterRead MoreThe Movement Of Virginia Woolf s Kew Gardens1722 Words   |  7 Pagesthe gist of how inventively complex Kew Gardens is, and the only way we re going to decipher it is to try and get inside the artist s head, Virginia Woolf s head. Woolf was amongst many emerging modernist writers in her life with the Bloomsbury group during the First World War (Modernism Lab Essays). However, Woolf was the child of ideal Victorian parents, according to Research Collaborator, Panthea Reid s biography on Woolf (Britannica). So there runs the possibility that Woolf s familyRead More Mrs. Dalloway2643 Words   |  11 Pageswitnessed. Woolf included her purpose for writing the novel in her journal, stating she wanted to â€Å"show the despicableness of people like Ott (Wilson 10).† (Lady Ottoline Morrell, an English aristocrat and hostess, was a rival to Woolf in the Bloomsbury Group.) Many critics often compare Mrs. Dalloway to Joyce’s Ulysses. The novel was read by Woolf in 1922, prior to beginning her own novel, at the request of T.S. Eliot. The similarity lies within the walk through London by Clarissa Dalloway with LeopoldRead MoreMovements in Art Report Essay1427 Words   |  6 Pageshang amongst the Great Ge rman Art, I think that the government would be afraid that the German people would decide to dismiss all of their labor work to just lie on the couch like this woman. Heckel was an expressionist artist and a leader of the group of German Expressionist artists, Die Brà ¼cke. In 1911, after Liegendes Mà ¤dchen, Heckel’s work began to become more pessimistic and cynical after moving to Berlin and coming face-to-face with modern urbanization. His work became more earthy landscapesRead MoreRealism and the Humanities 1718 Words   |  7 Pagesto create something that accurately showed the world as it was. Nineteenth century Realism was a response to nineteenth century Romanticism, which caused many novelists to focus on the lives and suffering of middle class citizens (â€Å"Realism.† The Bloomsbury Dictionary of English Literature). Realism, though, is not just that simple, because there are different types. For example, the realism that existed in America was different from realism in Europe, but also literature in general. American RealismRead MoreFate and Free Will in Harry Potter1646 Words   |  7 Pageswhich they can act and behave. They develop friendships with members of their own house and rivalries with members of opposing houses. Upon being assigned to a house, each student strives to follow the standard and expectations of their particular group, whether it is the brave Gryffindors, the loyal Hufflepuffs, the wise Ravenclaws, or the cunning Slytherines. Their house becomes almost like a cult in which they live by: Your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. YouRead MoreBreaching Experiment935 Words   |  4 Pagesbelieve such things should change, so that we all are a complete functioning interconnected community, and not groups of people who fear interacting with each other due to the often-harmless impact of our actions. References Angela, C. G. (2013). An introduction to interaction : understanding talk in formal and informal settings. London : Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Patrick, Bamp; Filipe, C. (2010). Social theory in the twentieth century and beyond, Cambridge, URead MoreApplication For Social Interaction On Screen It1392 Words   |  6 Pagesvalues that define them as unique individuals† (1). In order to form a group there must be individuals and in order to spark conversation there must be those who actually have something tangible to say. On the greater scheme of things it takes more than just a group of one to form social interaction and henceforth cause social change. â€Å"Social identity motivations encourage people to act in ways congruent with their beliefs about group membership and about their relationships with significant others† (2)

Friday, December 13, 2019

Hoyts Cover Leter Free Essays

Manager Hoyts Cinemas Dear Sir/Madam, I am apply for you position as team member at Hoyts Cinemas, Broadmeadows. I believe I am the best candidate, as I not only fill the stated requirements for the position but, offer to your company my talents, determination and keen interest in customer service. I have a very welcoming personality and a warm approach to not only my employment interactions but also my fellow employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Hoyts Cover Leter or any similar topic only for you Order Now My former position as Crew Member at KFC had allowed me to display enthusiasm, persistence and attention to detail; all qualities that I believe would be an excellent addition to your establishment. Achieving excellence in customer service and connecting well with clients has always been of high importance throughout my work experience. I consider it necessary to build up a good rapport with all customers so that they enjoy their experience and have a desire to return. I hope to have the opportunity to prove that I am able to perform not only my set duties but to branch out, using initiative and flexibility in other tasks. I endeavour to understand exactly what clients’ need and promote as much as is necessary without being overbearing. I am also familiar with Windows and Mac processing and have excellent written and verbal communication. I am available to work weekends and would be happy to take on other days, if necessary. In writing this letter, I have attempted to convey my personality and expose strengths that are of use to your company. Actions however, do speak louder than words, and so I suggest a meeting, where you will better understand my inviting manner and hospitable nature. I am eager to meet with you so please, do not hesitate to call or email me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, How to cite Hoyts Cover Leter, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Day In The Life Of Athens Essay Example For Students

A Day In The Life Of Athens Essay Welcome to Athens, the marvel of Greece! The city which is the fountainhead of beauty, wisdom and knowledge. Even as your ship approaches the Athenian Harbor Piraeus, you can see the marble monuments of the Acropolis and the Shining golden edge of the spear, which belongs to the gigantic statue of the goddess Pallas Athene. This is one of the greatest works of the sculptor Phidias, and symbolizes both the power and justice of the violet city as its contemporaries called it. Athenian women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at nearly every stage of their lives. The most important duties for a city dwelling woman were to bear children preferably male and to run the household. Duties of a rural woman included some of the agricultural work: the harvesting of olives and fruit was their responsibility. Since men spent most of their time away from their houses, women dominated Athenian home life. The wife was in charge of raising the children, spinning, weaving and sewing the familys clothes. She supervised the daily running of the household. In a totally slave based economy, plentiful numbers of female slaves were available to cook, clean, and carry water from the fountain. Only in the poorest homes was the wife expected to carry out all these duties by herself. A male slave?s responsibilities were for the most part limited to being doorkeeper and tutor to the male children. Athenian women had very limited freedom outside the home. They could attend weddings, funerals, some religious festivals, and could visit female neighbors for brief periods of time. In their home, Athenian women were in charge! Their job was to run the house and to bear children. Most Athenian women did not do housework themselves. Most Athenian households had slaves. Female slaves cooked, cleaned, and worked i n the fields. Male slaves watched the door, to make sure no one came in when the man of the house was away, except for female neighbors, and acted as tutors to the young male children. Wives and daughters were not allowed to watch the Olympic Games as the participants in the games did not wear clothes. Chariot racing was the only game women could win, and only then if they owned the horse. If that horse won, they received the prize. . Women spent much of their time in the courtyard of the house, the one place where they could regularly enjoy fresh air. Athenian cooking equipment was small and light and could easily be set up there. In sunny weather, women sat in the roofed over areas of the courtyard, for the ideal in female beauty was a pale complexion. Women?s clothes underwent relatively few changes in style. Greek clothing was very simple. Men and women wore linen in the summer and wool in the winter. The ancient Greeks could buy cloth and clothes in the agora, the marketplace, but that was expensive. Most families made their own clothes, which were simple tunics and warm cloaks, made of linen or wool, dyed a bright color, or bleached white. Clothes were made by the mother, her daughters, and female slaves. They were often decorated to represent the city-state in which they lived. The two most commonly worn garments were the chiton or tunic and the himation or cloak. The chiton came in two styles. Its earlier Doric version, preferred by Athenian women until the end of the 6th century BC, was called the peplos and was made of wool. Cut into a simple rectangle measuring half again the height of the person wearing it, it was folded over, wrapped around the body, and pinned at the shoulders and side. It was sleeveless, with large arm openings. Expensive versions were decorated with elaborate woven figures or designs. The Ionian chiton was made of linen that fell into more elaborate vertical folds than its heavier wool counterpart. The sides were sewn up to create a long cylinder, which was then caught, by a girdle or cord at the waist. Short sleeves were added to the sides. .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .postImageUrl , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:hover , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:visited , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:active { border:0!important; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:active , .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udaf946ccb9cc363c547dd0c4628d447b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tornados EssayAthenian houses, in the 6th and 5th century B.C., were made up of two or three rooms, built around an open air courtyard, built of stone, wood, or clay bricks. Larger homes might also have a kitchen, a room for bathing, a mens dining room, and perhaps a womans sitting area. Much of ancient Athenian family life centered around the courtyard. The ancient Athenians loved stories and fables. One favorite family activity was to gather in the courtyard to hear these stories, told by the mother or father. In their courtyard, Greek women might relax, chat, and sew. Most meals were enjoyed in the courtyard. Greek cooking equipment was small and light and could easily be set up there. Along the coastline, the soil was not very fertile, but the ancient Greeks used systems of irrigation and crop rotation to help solve that problem. They grew olives, grapes, and figs. They kept goats, for milk and cheese. In the plains, where the soil was richer, they also grew wheat to make bread. Fish, seafood, and homemade wine were very popular food items. In some of the larger Greek city-states, meat could be purchased in cook shops. Meat was rarely eaten, and was used mostly for religious sacrifices. In ancient Athens, the purpose of education was to produce citizens trained in the arts, to prepare citizens for both peace and war. Girls were n ot educated at school, but many learned to read and write at home, in the comfort of their courtyard. Until age 6 or 7, boys were taught at home by their mother or by a male slave. From age 6 to 14, they went to a neighborhood primary school or to a private school. Books were very expensive and rare, so subjects were read out-loud, and the boys had to memorize everything. To help them learn, they used writing tablets and rulers. In primary school, they had to learn two important things the words of Homer, a famous Greek epic poet, and how to play the lyre, a musical instrument. Their teacher, who was always a man, could choose what additional subjects he wanted to teach. He might choose to teach drama, public speaking, government, art, reading, writing, math, and another favorite ancient Greek instrument the flute. Following that, boys attended a higher school for four more years. When they turned 18, they entered military school for two additional years. At age 20, they graduated. Athens! Probably no other place has seen such a constellation of geniuses in so many fields of human endeavor. It was the Greeks who invented politics, science, philosophy, theater, and sports as distinct and meaningful human pursuits. And in Athens, all of these, together with poetry, art, and music reached their creative peaks. The cradle of democracy, Athens remains in many respects the model of fair governmentHistory Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Good Place (Analysis of the role of the Mississippi river in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)

The Good Place (Analysis of the role of the Mississippi river in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) In Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" the Mississippi river serves as a constant in an otherwise scattered narrative. As Huck recounts his adventures, the story moves us, literally, down the river through the heart of the American continent, and through the heart of Huck himself, as he develops in life. The first mention of the river comes in Chapter 2, when Huck calls the river "grand" (252). This characterization of the river as a larger than life figure is indicative of things to come. The river is central in the physical journey of course, but also becomes indicative of Huck's spiritual journey as well.As the book begins, the widow Douglas and Miss Watson are teaching Huck about Christianity. Miss Watson deplores Huck's behavior, asking him, "...why don't you try to behave?" (249). She then tells him about heaven and hell, warning Huck, that within the context of her faith his behavior will lead him to eternal damnation.Huck and jim on raft

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exectutive Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exectutive Coaching - Essay Example And Terry Larsen wants to turn the bully nature style of management environment into caring and more open cooperate culture which is made up of mutual trust, teamwork, spirit and respect. In the time of Yvette Hyater-Adams and Terry Larsen, they both aimed on these issues and arranged and conducted workshops and training conferences related to diverse cultural, gender discrimination and diversity. The main issues which CoreStates was going through were also the same. There were these inside politics which were eating the environment of organization like termite. So the main issues which a company was going through were culture issues, lack of respect, openness towards diversity, mutual learning, lack of teamwork and trust. Hyater Adams and Terry Larsen though both were from different background believed in same vision and wanted to bring discipline and mentor the people of organization. So they aimed to improve the cultural relation of workers in Corestate. OCCURANCE OF ISSUES: When Hyater Adams joined the Corestate, she being a black woman has always faced hard difficulties. She wanted to apply her broad vision of culture and diversity to the people of Corestate. Being a vice president she had a position to bring and apply her vision which was not an idea leading to personal betterment but to the organization. Tarry Larsen and Hyater Adams

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Magical sword, harp, oak tree, grail as archetypal symbols Essay

Magical sword, harp, oak tree, grail as archetypal symbols - Essay Example It influences all of our experiences and behaviors, most especially the emotional ones, but we only know about it indirectly, by looking at those influences† (Boeree, 2006). Like Freud, Jung felt that dream messages were couched in symbolism, but differed regarding what these symbols represented. He felt that dreams would continue to present carefully selected symbols as a purposeful means of communicating specific meaning to the dreamer from the unconscious rather than attempting to hide these concepts. At the same time, he felt unconscious symbols were often used as well to help us understand and accept those aspects of ourselves that we have ignored or attempted to disown or to present archetypal figures that help us connect with the collective. â€Å"Jung thought that dreams could help us grow and heal through use of archetypal symbols. †¦ Various archetypes are represented within myths, fairy tales, and religions, as well as dreams† (Bixler-Thomas, 1998). An ar chetype is described as an â€Å"unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way† (Boeree, 2006) and Jung identified several, such as the mother, mana (or spiritual power), the shadow (or the unknown) and the persona (or public mask). His wife, Emma Jung, took these concepts and applied them to her own interests, specifically as they applied to Celtic myth and the Grail legends. Emma Jung’s theories regarding the archetypes of the magic sword, the oak tree, the grail and the harp will be closely examined to demonstrate how these archetypes and Jungian theory have become widely applicable within the Western world. Carl Jung believed the most effective method for dream interpretation was the use of series correlation (Hutchinson, 2000).   He gave hope to all dreamers who were looking for the meaning in their dreams without having to hire a ‘professional.’ Series correlation is a process involving the analysis of dreams over time.   Jung suggested keeping a dream

Monday, November 18, 2019

Journal Entry 14 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Entry 14 - Coursework Example The second stage involves discussion between the instructor and the student whereby the importance of effort and motivation in writing is encouraged. Thereafter, the instructor comes up with a model on how to employ self-regulation strategies to reflect the needs of the student and match their personal writing style. The student is encouraged to memorize the strategy steps and the teacher in turn supports the writing strategy of the student to ensure that they achieve their goals. Independent performance is the last stage whereby students can now use the strategy they developed effectively and independently. In this last stage of independent performance, there are several procedures for endorsing preservation and simplification throughout the model. Some of the procedures include prompts to use the strategies, recognizing opportunities in employing self-regulation strategies, studying how the procedure can be adapted in certain situations, allocating assignments to the students in using the recognized situations and assessing the triumph of such undertakings (Graham & Harris,

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Chevrolet Case Study In India Marketing Essay

The Chevrolet Case Study In India Marketing Essay Introduction: Marketing is an integrated interactive methodology of planning, processing and practising the entire chain of advertising, awareness, pricing, promotion, distribution and selling of any product or services serving the individual and organizational objectives of client satisfaction and profit maximization. Web or online marketing is the phenomenon of establishing and perpetuating consumer relationships through internet branding, awareness building and selling in order to encourage and expedite exchange of merchandisable views, commodities and services for mutual advantage. [Source: Imber, Jane and Betsy-Ann Toffler. 2000. Dictionary of Marketing Terms. 3rd ed. Barrons Business Dictionaries] To implement a successful marketing case study it is necessary to winnow all information to strategize and integrate the various marketing management steps taken to derive the solution as enlisted below: a background and introduction to acquaint with the marketing prospects circumstantial scrutiny about the product marketed or service rendered elaborative analysis of the marketing action plans adapted absolute affirmations to substantiate the case study and information [Clemes, Michael D. (2002) p.35] The marketing case study illustrated here is the first hand experience of the writer while working in middle management team of Chevrolet group of General Motors in India successfully strategizing the brand even through web marketing in midst of the companys uncertainties and global recession. Background and the Chevrolet Case Study in India: The global economic recession and probable bankruptcy of General Motors urged the US Government to formulate the Bail out Policy by the White House under the able and diplomatic administration of the United States President Mr. Barack Obama thus reinstating the companys progress and popularity and saving it from the present recession which has affected its other competitors hugely. This case study accounts the direct experience while actively working in India amongst the aggressive marketing team of GMs Chevrolet pioneering marketing and web marketing strategies to attain market leadership through ingenious brand awareness intelligently programmed in line with the vision and values thus steering them successfully in face of global economic melt down. General Motors considered as the colossus of American capitalism has become synonymous with the American lifestyle showering warmth of living in opulence. Moreover, the recent plans and strategies of General Motors to revive the company concentrates focus on their four brands, namely, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick and GMC. GM vis-Ã  -vis Chevrolet champions itself as a prestige brand targeting the affluent and aspiring community to position them amongst the renowned stature. Chevrolet additionally advocates brand image for the common corporate class familiarizing them with the brand which is well-acclaimed by the rich and the famous. Hence Chevrolet curves a class of its own synonymous with the prestige and the power of position. With the current fast forward lifestyles and the growing trend to attain social visibility especially in the emerging markets like India consumers generally cannot escape the incessant attraction of gaining conspicuous prominence in the community by possessin g prestige and luxury commodities like classy cars. Conspicuous Consumption depicts the consumers intention to exhibit prominence in affording luxury goods to attain social visibility (Piron, 2000, p.309). Displaying abundance, people who enjoys Conspicuous Consumption aims to achieve greater social distinction amongst the common (Wang and Chen, 2004). Conspicuous consumption in India is no longer confined to rich class merely, with easy communication finance accessibility at any point of time this affluence is desired amongst all income groups even the economically backward working class. In India the advertising, campaigning techniques adopted by General Motors are product-based group-targeted aiming at dynamic-branding strategies aiming at the flourishing corporate class branding especially through online audio visual marketing. The free test drive campaigns and extravagant road shows especially organized in India by Chevrolet at principle prospective points with propaganda of least maintenance cost for three years have instantaneously increased sales and immensely strengthened their market share. Niche luxury car section of Chevrolet also aims at targeting high and medium income groups in India through practising a more specialized privately customized publicity strategy through email or internet Invitation Only Marketing. Overall Chevrolets strategy in appealing the Common Working Man or locally termed as Aam Admi from diversified classes of income groups in India has proven to be so effective that Chevrolet has seen a sales boom in India even in the face of globa l recession, at the same time Chevrolet Spark and the Aveo U-VA have bagged the prestigious J.D. Power Asia-Pacific awards in addition to many other accolades in its bouquet. Chevrolet in India amidst the economic meltdown has proven to be the market leader through formulating innovative, decisive brand awareness aiming to glorify and transform lives of their loyal enthusiastic followers and prospects. In India, Chevrolet through its enterprising marketing, branding masterminding has conquered billions of loyal and prospective consumers paving enlightened path for flourishing historically important path-breaking strategies. Analysis of Internal and External Issues: The consumers behaviour can be broadly studied under cognitive, affective and normative determinants depending on the approach, preference, prejudice, perception and conspicuous consumption of the existent community. The purchasing graph in automobile industry is always an exception. Though the car prices are in decreasing mode in accordance to Indias vision for her citizens to own at least one car per person, yet the possession of car in emerging countries like India is still a luxury capital purchase. All the above affecting consumer behaviours vary with time due to financial condition, age, gender, educational background and lifestyle which induce two reactions, namely, the rational attitude and the experienced outlook. While purchasing luxury goods like cars in India, consumer acquires in-depth knowledge of the market and the company offerings rationally analysing and evaluating all information. According to Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders and Wong (1999), in addition to the cultural phenomenon, there are social, personal and psychological aspects which govern the purchasing power of the people. Across India, the globalization has ushered in an open door market and economic boom leading to easily accessible information, technological advancements, communication systems, international social networks these global trends enormously influence both the markets and the consumers (Borg, 1996). Following the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, to analyse and evolve the human psychological factors configuring and constituting their needs and motivations the determinants are categorized into five classifications in a pyramid such as the lowest level shows physiological demand to appease basic hunger and thirst, the second level arouses an individual to look for safety and security, the third level pacifies an individuals desire for social belonging, the fourth level influences the person to q uench his esteem to attain social status and finally the fifth level inspires to achieve self-actualization accomplishing ones ultimate potential and independence. In developing countries like India significant determinants exist for the increasing demands of high involvement products like automobiles. India being the second most populated country has emerged as one of the most preferred nations by foreign multinational investors in automobile sector like Chevrolet of General Motors- mostly attracted due to the huge demand naturally created by Indias growing population through the extensive expanse of qualitative talent and competitive labour pool available. Principal credit of publicizing and popularizing of Chevrolets vast Indian expansion is contributed by the creatively sophisticated advertising market especially the web advertising and marketing strategies which has not only inspired its very own Indian population but also attracted the audience worldwide. The secret formula be hind Chevrolets marketing success in India dwells upon communication and the extent to which a consumer recognizes and recalls a brand. In this context it is appropriate to quote Aaker (1991, p 63), A name is like a special file folder in the mind which can be filled with name-related facts and feelings. Without such a file readily accessible in memory, the facts and feelings become misfiled, and cannot be readily accessed when needed. Accordingly it depends on the Levels of Awareness as illustrated below: (Source: Aaker; 1991, p 62) Unaware of Brand->Brand Recognition->Brand Recall->Top of Mind A direct extraction from the Summer Internship Report on Role of Advertising in Brand Communication through Television Media submitted by Sumantra Ray (A0102207185) of Amity University Uttar Pradesh the following useful information can be considered: The above graph shows the number of people who have given the corresponding ranks to the mediums according to the time devoted. The total is calculated by adding up the product of the number of people and corresponding ranks. [Example for television: it is (1X35) + (2X30) + (3X26) + (4X9) =209] The medium getting the lowest score is one getting the highest average rank. Hence the ranks are: 1- Television, 2 internet, 3 radio, 4- print. Next probing deep into the impact of the electronic media rising amongst which is the internet advertising and its influence on auto-sales in India, the following extracted international statistics can be cited and then Indian variables be derived with present research data as explained below: [The above tabular graphical data directly extracted from the source Ong, Jessica (April 21st, 2009) Archive for Advertising Effectiveness, Big Domain or Big Homepage? Homepage Visitors at the Top Publisher Sites [online] (Cited 4 February 2010) Available from:] [The above pie-chart graphical data directly extracted from the source Coad, Chris(March 3rd, 2009 ) Hyundai (pronounced like Sunday) Accelerates into 2009, [online] (Cited 4 February 2010) Available from: ] In India as per the scrutiny conducted the internet is generally browsed by the younger generation and the corporate class, and it is also seen that while purchasing a brand new first hand car people most often do visit websites and collect feedbacks or news updates from the internet in addition to the conventional method verbal consultation with friends and relatives. But in the current scenario with the rewarding publicity awareness created in India by the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc even amongst the oldest generations, political leaders, celebrities, public figures that the common mass in India are transforming more or less as net savvy and net dependent while finalizing on the high involvement purchase and the older generations, conservative classes or house-wives as well are now consulting the internet rather than discuss out with friends and relatives. Thus for the internet users advertisements do play a central conclusive role in aiding them to take the ir decisions. The creative agencies in India are not only involved in advertising in the conventional methods they are always inventive in venturing into innovative vistas like arranging for symposium, conferences or just meeting points to interact the advertisers with the prospective consumers and spread the global views for a promising prospective and prosperous future. Search engine Optimization, Pay per click, Invitation Only Marketing and Exclusivity advertising strategies are all implemented to establish as a successful brand intelligently utilizing the web marketing effectively. The advertisements of automobile sectors in this passing phase of global economic recession are also targeted to reinstate and reinforce the renewed presence of the auto brands and proclaim the word of assurances for their stable support and thus honouring their brand loyalties with perpetual guaranteed services. This is evident in the extracted instance of press release of a credibility reassurance c ampaign related to the General Motorss US Bankruptcy case in which GMs President and Managing Director (India) Mr. Carl Sym is featured as rightfully justified: Piyush Rathi, business director, Quasar Media, the digital agency which has conceptualised the campaign, tells afaqs!, It is an assurance-building campaign, aimed at informing consumers that India and the US are two separate operations of GM. And the Indian arm is debt-free and self- sufficient and consumers will continue to get after-sales services. [Kapil Ohri (June 03, 2009) Digital reassurance by GM India, New Delhi,] This induced the big honchos in the auto industry like Chevrolet to invest in the enormously prospective emerging market of India as evidenced in the Chevrolet Aveo U-VAs Bada Dil. Badi Car ad of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan depicting through online advertisements and electronic campaigns the friendly responsible Indian common man popularized as Aam Admi which at once wins the hearts of millions of Indians. ( Broadly there are four interdependent perspectives to collectively contribute towards giving the product its brand essence, namely, product, people-organization, product-personality and signature-symbol all the factors together have proven to be a revolutionary hit even in the case of web marketing for the Chevrolet brand in India. Web Marketing Action Plans Behind the Success Story: The Web Marketing Strategy implemented in this case is illustrated below: FRAME MARKET OPPORTUNITY FORMULATE MARKET STRATEGY DESIGN CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CRAFT CUSTOMER INTERFACE DESIGN MARKETING PROGRAM LEVERAGE CUSTOMER INFORMATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY EVALUATE The Web Activities of Consumers are enlisted below (Source: Advertising Age, Digital Marketing Fact Book 2007): Activity Internet Users Used e-mail 70.5% Got Latest News 40.2 Made Purchase, Personal 34.2 Paid Bills 30.7 Used Instant Messenger 26.8 Got Financial Info 24.8 Got Sports News/Info 23.8 Played Games 22.4 Made Travel Plans 19.8 Got Medical Info 17.4 Download Music 15.7 Visit TV Website 14.1 Tracked Investments 13.2 Got Real Estate Info 12.3 Looked For Job 12.1 Watched Video 11.4 Listened Radio 10.9 Made Purchase, Business 10.7 Got Info for Car Buy 10 Visit Blogs 6.7 In marketing of high involvement purchase like cars in India, informative web advertisements through public sharing of the sensational package, affordable prices, vehicular features, outstanding mileage, spare-parts accessibility, world-class presence are proven to be the focus of attraction in communication strategies as successfully illustrated by Chevrolet in its powerful persuasion of forceful advertisements as evidenced in Saif Ali Khan playing the brand ambassador. In India, with rising fuel costs and thinking green becoming buzz words amongst people; Chevrolet of General Motors has progressed immensely with innovations exclusive in fuel efficient and environmental-friendly cars of world standard. The Brand Awareness strategies of Chevrolet are a grand success on adopting the following steps as advocated by Aaker (1991): Be different, Memorable: To differentiate amidst the competitive market, Chevrolet manifests outstanding, sensational, attention-pulling successful web campaigns and e-ads to attract the exclusive consumer community. Classy, hyped ramp walks during new series launch with cocktail celebrations in grand presence of dignitaries and celebrities are added crowd-pulling sensations practised universally in India by the automobile giant brand Chevrolet which are all posted in the websites and internet advertisements to attract buyers. Involve a slogan or jingle: To augment the effect of visual practical impact of the brand, the witty attractive slogan in Chevrolet ads has achieved unimaginable popularity since the most successful innovative pioneering one-liner captivates a million hearts as in Bada Dil. Badi Car meaning Big Heart. Big Car. Symbol Exposure: Popularizing of Chevrolets unique attractive golden cross symbol has further magnetized the consumers and pulled the brand from its grass root level to the current acclaimed glory the symbol sometimes be seen as ads at different news, informative and sports websites. Publicity: In this era of fast, speedy communications Chevrolets prime achievement in India dwells in advertising, especially in electronic and internet media, which are timely organized and strategized thus capturing millions and billions of consumers at a time. Event Sponsorship: The free test drive campaigns, extravagant road shows organized by Chevrolet in India at principle prospective points with propaganda of least maintenance cost for three years to attract the targeted mass of consumers have been highly successful in establishing the dominant effect of the brand values and ideology thus creating a recognition augmentation phenomenon which are widely advertised throughout the web. Consider brand extensions: Chevrolet is renowned in India to popularize its brand assets in trademark symbol to identify in a faster, broader horizon worldwide utilizing the internet since human memory recalls small symbolic visuals instantly and familiarize it with daily lifestyle. Using cues: The close to heart marketing package of Chevrolet in India targeting the youth, active working class, fashionable, classy yet loving and caring community is the supreme determinant, the first interaction or synergy point with the consumer. As the saying goes, The first impression is the last impression, hence during launch of the first brand communication through innovative emails and web campaigns, utmost consideration is inculcated for the brand appearance to be attractive and pervading the right message. Recall requires repetition: Chevrolet in India adopted continued marketing strategies to achieve the supreme recall senses in the minds of the consumers through repeated transmission via emails and e-advertisements or reminders through innovative style such as online sponsorships, events, competitions, rewards etc., to create an imagery of the brand in the subconscious mind of target consumers. To accomplish a top of mind recall, Chevrolet has implemented immense endeavour to be recapitulated, reiterated time and again to impact permanently in consumer minds to the extent that the brand loyalty inspires consumer to forgo his own desires in interest of the brand. The recall bonus: Reminders through regular e-promotions, publicities have created a strong fortification for the Chevrolet brand in India to take over its other competitors, to attain the vertex in market share through intelligent masterminding, hosts of hallmarks and repetitive net broadcasts with consequent online market surveys and positive promotions fetching an added bonus and dividend in the long run. Chevrolet in India goes to such great extent to embolden and energize their existing as well as prospective customers by treating them with emails, e-greetings, e-cards, gifts and flowers at very special moments of life such as birthdays, weddings, marriage anniversaries, and all the delightful events that make the occasion ever more memorable. This makes Chevrolet truly global, distinctive and exceptional. Thus the international brand Chevrolet implements dynamic online strategies to inspire brand loyalties amongst their diversified classes of consumers with varied preferences in India. Strategizing brand equity of Chevrolet in India has proven to be an indispensable factor to gauge market dominance, and consumer appreciation and loyalty equating with the charisma and values the brand endorses. According to Aaker (1992, p 17) brand equity can be measured under five dimensions, namely, Brand Loyalty, Brand Cognizance, Brand Quality, Brand Association and Brand Assets. India being an emerging nation, its people aspires and is influenced by the prosperous epitome of capitalism exhibited by the United States of America. General Motors is esteemed to be the titan brand upholding all the values and virtues of American capitalism and experiencing changeover under the visionary leadership of the dynamic and charismatic US President Mr. Barack Obama to revitalize, reincarnate and reinstate it to its hallowed glory. This perceived quality creates a halo effect to strengthen life-time association of the consumer with the brand despite its premium pricing thus spreading the goodwill for the brand through word of mouth advocacy, enhancing the brand equity, hence adding to cash flow appreciation and increased revenue generation of the company in India. Further, since they are exclusive in nature, their marketing and advertising also needs to be unique and limited to a few of the affluent and exclusivity conscious segment. This demands that the marketing and advertising events be planned and executed minutely to maintain an aura of exclusivity which is achieved through Invitation Only Marketing strategies adopted by Chevrolet for its prospective customers. In other words, it can be seen as the highest level of service offered to make the customer feel the differentiation in products as well as service. Hence, it requires a strategic plan for the marketing event to be a success which evolves a concept where consumers are indulged to think of a product as being in scarcity due to the high demand and hence inspires them to desire to own the product. This brand alliance inspires amongst closely networked online consumers to invest in an authenticated quality and name, and also motivates them to share information amongst their close associates which not only elevates the value but also curtails expenditure on additional advertisements and publicity campaigns. Web Marketing Activities and Life Cycle: Firms have realized the importance of the right tools for promoting their events and their products to the niche segment and note that it has to be subtle. Bohdanowicz and Clamp (1994) note that for the upcoming niche industry, the efficiency both the short-term and long-term marketing plans increases with the use of Information Technology and without it marketing becomes product-cantered (pp 151,152). Since any established brands as well as luxury items, relies on customer loyalty which in turn depends on referrals and invitation-only concept, inefficiency in using Information Technology can hamper the efforts of marketing. TRAFFIC BROWSERS PROSPECTIVE CONSUMERS BUYERS LOYAL CONSUMERS KEY IDENTIFIERS IN WEB MARKETING: WEBSITE DESIGN SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PAY PER CLICK ADVERTISING EMAIL MARKETING MOBILE ACCESS TARGET SLOPE Here, it is to be noted that although the two kinds of customer base in the industry form the major segment, the small percent of networking activists can be considered to promote the products at a faster rate by the use of Information Technology and further, this small but important customer base called Initiators have the potential to trigger sales as they are found to be more active users of Information Technology along with being the patrons for a number of exclusive products (Hardie, n.d.). Also, this segment, as they are called initiators, is true to the name and can be tapped and relied on to initiate the further sales and also attracts a more loyal customer base. Here, it should be noted that a closely networked customer base can be easy to reach and sustain than attracting a non-communicating customer base. However, it is to be noted that there is the risk of losing out on competition should the service disappoint the closely knit group. This would mean losing out on a large mass at one time. Hence, there needs to be a continuous effort to market web branding of products to the niche segment. With the exclusive products marketed to the niche segment, the pricing is also kept high and although this is limited to a small segment, is growing due to the increasing number of brand conscious segment with their increasing incomes and identity needs. This also requires innovative ways of marketing to all prospective segments which necessitates the cause for an exclusivity which in turn is accentuated by the trend of by-invitation-only marketing strategy. It is also observed that there is an online presence for these companies and the exclusive customers for the exclusive products usually are invited or more often seek to be invited to special and exclusive marketing events for these brands. Further, it is noted that social networking has added to the success of this by-invitation-only marketing concept. It is seen that Gmail is the first one to experiment online marketing for some of its VIP customers (Cornes, 2007). Source: Advertising Age, Digital Marketing Fact Book 2007, eMarketer Feb. 07 projections against IAB/PriceWaterhouseCoopers data for which the last fully measured year was 2005. [Directly extracted from: Akehurst, G. E-Marketing Planning and Strategies [online] Viewed 04 February 2010 Available from: ] [Directly extracted from: Akehurst, G. E-Marketing Planning and Strategies [online] Viewed 04 February 2010 Available from: ] In web marketing due to its global presence since price cannot be a constraint in marketing these goods, it can be seen as a way to introduce new products based on the feedback from the customers. This is also a good way to keep in business and evolve. Special online advertisements of events such as fashion weeks, charity shows, are also a trend among the affluent. Further, it is observed that companies use the services of a third-party advertising agent or Public Relations (PR) agent to manage also, a Push-Pull strategy is being adopted for marketing of luxury goods (Hines Bruce, 2007, p 146). However, with the use of Information Technology, the World Wide Web (WWW) and the intranet have enabled a pull process to the distribution of data as opposed to the push process (Yeoman, Robertson, 2004, p 99). Another marketing strategy for luxury goods is sample sales which are also by invitation only. As Sherman observes, the Web is an important tool for such marketing and there are a numb er of online channels that arrange invitation only sales where often the membership is free and customers can request to be invited (2008). Thus through web marketing the prime focal points are the aspects of offering exclusive products, enhanced customer service, mix of marketing strategies both intensive and extensive online presence, use of efficient tools for communication and push-pull strategies, organized monitoring and feedback system amongst others. Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign: Pay per click is an intelligently engineered advertising tool where web-hosts are sponsored by the advertisers every time the web-visitors click on the advertisements thus promoted mostly by the search engine overtures, as in the case of Googles AdWords Select, AOL Search and many more. It is sometimes seemingly advantageous than the SEO campaigns due to its operational simplicity since also the websites need not be customized without any specialized expertise and much faster in use. However the disadvantages are evident in generalization of positioning and hence lowering of existent importance, sometimes rampant competition can make the entire affair highly expensive and further if not effectively identified the visitor worth the entire process can also pose as utter loss. To accentuate this campaign it is imperative to evaluate visitor worth on dividing the profit by the visitor numbers for the specified time period. Further selection of appropriate key phrases, relevant and useful descriptions, and finally regular insight and monitoring is absolutely essential in such cases. The best advantage of PPC is that it can reach enormous amount of targeted visitors in little time. Conclusion and Managerial Recommendations: The web marketing lifecycle thus conclusively commences with creating an online profile of the organization globally advertised through a skilfully and strategically designed website. Then marketing strategies are farmed, formulated and focused in order to build an online campaign with the help of search engine optimization such that the most popular keywords are identified to impart frequent visibility of the website and hence the organization to any online users. Then branding and further marketing is pursued through varied social media networks and pay per click activities further popularizes the vision and mission of the organization through frequent web users who exchange information, ideas, news and views through the net. Email marketing and web-to-mobile connectivity can further commercialize the entire process and impart it as an exclusive affair thus enhancing the return on investment on a steady growth. Further to sustain this productivity one must have a customized report formulation, regular identification of the best sales leads, evaluation testing and tweaking of the most popular pages, positive transformation of prospective customers, sustenance and perpetuation of loyal consumers, online promotions sponsorships campaigns and competitions, regular checking of site-conversion site-performance and market-return, insightful reports with comparative corporate analysis and intelligence for further improvement at every stages of development. Hence such unconventional attractive, larger than life tradition made innovative, avant-garde at the same time classic and eternal by touching hearts of millions of consumers from every walks of life is the true success secret of the global branding and web marketing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Gender affects every aspect of our life, from how we feel about ourselves to setting goals in our lives as well as the nature of our participation in social and civic life. It has a strong influence on the way we dress to how we practice our beliefs, the way we express our feelings and the essence of all of our relationships with other people. The film First Position displays the different gender roles taken on by different children who are competing in competitive Ballet. Growing up, children are socialized into â€Å"doing their gender†, which basically means doing something that asserts your gender (Discover 215). There are many factors that come into play when children are exposed to their gender. Gender roles are learned in society through personal experience, through interaction with other people and through what children are exposed to. Children are socialized through family, friends, school, media, etc. At a young age, parents have a huge role in teaching gender to their kids and usually give their children certain clothes, toys, books, etc. based on their sex. The parents are do...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bo Jackson Speech

The context Boo uses is he talks about his struggle growing up and how he got out of his comfort zone and overcame this problem. Boo also uses the method Extemporaneous to give his speech, he has a brief outline and he has taken time to go over his speech. While analyzing this speech my purpose is to watch Boo and his physical and visualization in his speech. While giving Bob's speech in the beginning he had very poor eye sight, he was limited with his eye sight because he was reading off f his paper.Boo did get better as his speech went on and he eventually stopped looking at his paper. He also was fair when it came to gestures, but his poster was great. Bob's appearance is good he is clean cut and wearing what everyone else is at the graduation. At times Boo showed no facial. He did not have and visual aids other than put an image in your head and making you think you can achieve your goal. Boo did not lack energy he had the crowd involved with his entire speech, and he had no prob lems with his microphone.One thing Boo did lack Is his vocal delivery; at times his voice would get scratchy and be had to hear. His voice was monotone at times, but he managed to work some energy into his voice. In the beginning of the speech he took a few vocalizes pauses and at the end It was hard to understand him for about ten seconds. Bob's speaking volume was good I would say he was normal at about 140 wimp and he messed on one or two words. His articulation was good he made sense and was always on topic with his speech and he did not have any articulation errors.Boo did a great Job on the beginning and ending on his word pronunciation. I did not notice any dialect, he did not miss pronounce anything so bad it made everything hard to understand. Bob's speech was not choppy nor was It smooth. Boo made a few mistakes early on In his speech but he made up for them at the end. He was reading off of his outline a lot In the first minutes of the speech. There for that made his spee ch choppy and he had a lack of eye sight. Boo could have worked on his fluency to Improve his speech.Boo was effective In his message peaking to the graduating class of 2009. He got his message across by having a great worded speech and Influencing the graduating class to be the best they can be. Bob's speech was the perfect length to get his point across say everything he needed to say and not lose his audience. Over all I thought Boo Jackson had a great speech, but his could Improve himself by knowing his speech better and being more fluent with his speech. Boo Jackson Speech By sukiyaki's problems with his microphone.One thing Boo did lack is his vocal delivery; at times e took a few vocalizes pauses and at the end it was hard to understand him for bad it made everything hard to understand. Bob's speech was not choppy nor was it smooth. Boo made a few mistakes early on in his speech but he made up for them at the end. He was reading off of his outline a lot in the first minutes o f the speech. Worked on his fluency to improve his speech. Boo was effective in his message worded speech and influencing the graduating class to be the best they can be. Bob's could improve himself by knowing his speech better and being more fluent with his

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The War Of The Worlds

1. Three of the main characters are the narrator, the narrator’s brother, and the curate. The Narrator was connected to his brother through blood and family. The Narrator met the Curate in a field outside of his hometown while the Martians began a second attack. 2. My favorite character in the novel â€Å"The War of The Worlds† was the narrator’s brother. When the Martians begin their attack on London, it sends six million people running and screaming trying to get out of the city. For miles and miles these people are herded together as tight as anchovies in a can. All of these people are only thinking of themselves. While this is happening , the narrators brother is doing his best to help these people who are in trouble (besides the threat of the Martians). When he is running with the heard to try and escape, he notices two man trying to steal everything from two woman. He runs over to the situation, without thinking, and tries to ward the men off. Of course since there were two of them, and one of him, he took a little bit of a beating. But in the end he did succeed. Next he spots a man who has fallen off of his cart in the midst of a thousand other horse carts. These carts were not moving very fast, but of c ourse no one was willing to stop to look out for this poor fellow. Again almost automatically the narrators brother puts himself in danger for the life of another. He jumps into the middle of all the commotion to try and save the man who had fallen. Unfortunately, he is unable to reach him in time, and the man is run over and crippled by an oncoming cart. Regardless of this blunder, the narrator’s brother’s actions impressed me the most winning him the title of best character. 3. The character I liked the least in this novel was a man known as the â€Å"curate†. The main character met this man when he was escaping from one of the attacks of the Martians, and the two began to travel toget... Free Essays on The War Of The Worlds Free Essays on The War Of The Worlds 1. Three of the main characters are the narrator, the narrator’s brother, and the curate. The Narrator was connected to his brother through blood and family. The Narrator met the Curate in a field outside of his hometown while the Martians began a second attack. 2. My favorite character in the novel â€Å"The War of The Worlds† was the narrator’s brother. When the Martians begin their attack on London, it sends six million people running and screaming trying to get out of the city. For miles and miles these people are herded together as tight as anchovies in a can. All of these people are only thinking of themselves. While this is happening , the narrators brother is doing his best to help these people who are in trouble (besides the threat of the Martians). When he is running with the heard to try and escape, he notices two man trying to steal everything from two woman. He runs over to the situation, without thinking, and tries to ward the men off. Of course since there were two of them, and one of him, he took a little bit of a beating. But in the end he did succeed. Next he spots a man who has fallen off of his cart in the midst of a thousand other horse carts. These carts were not moving very fast, but of c ourse no one was willing to stop to look out for this poor fellow. Again almost automatically the narrators brother puts himself in danger for the life of another. He jumps into the middle of all the commotion to try and save the man who had fallen. Unfortunately, he is unable to reach him in time, and the man is run over and crippled by an oncoming cart. Regardless of this blunder, the narrator’s brother’s actions impressed me the most winning him the title of best character. 3. The character I liked the least in this novel was a man known as the â€Å"curate†. The main character met this man when he was escaping from one of the attacks of the Martians, and the two began to travel toget...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Wrinkle In Time essays

A Wrinkle In Time essays In Willstead town, in North Carolina strange things are happening. Do you want to know more? Well in A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine LEngle, a wonderful writer tells all the weird things that are happening. The setting of this story is on North Carolina, at the town of Willstead in the year of 2005. One day Margaret was left by the Aliens when she was two- months old at planet Earth, and was found by the Murries, a nice couple, that had one year of marriage. Several years had passed and Margaret grew up like a normal girl. Now she has twin brothers and a Collie dog. At school everybody thinks that she is a freak, but she is a ten-year-old girl, with beautiful eyes and a lot of intelligence. She is an alien but no one knows not even her. Margaret came to Earth by a computer fraud that caused a wrinkle in time. An old woman called Mrs. Whatsit came to Earth with a job to take Margaret back. She visits Margaret and buys her nice things to win Margarets confidence. Mrs. Whatsit lived in the middle of the woods. One day a robbery had been reported to the police. It was a missing blanket and the thief was Mrs. Whatsit because she needed a lot of warmth because planet Earth was too cold for them. The Tesseract that is the name of the species that Margaret and Mrs. Whatsit belong to. At school some rare people that were the same species of Margaret went to do a contest. Margaret won the contest but this was no contest this were a series of exams that they had to do to Margaret to see if she could live in her home planet and see if she was fit to live there. Mrs. Whatsit was there and after the exams she sat down Margaret and started telling everything about her species and how she got here. At first Margaret didnt believe it but afterwards she started understanding all the things she had passed through all alone with no one that could understand her. Mrs. Wh ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Perseverance and Persistence the Key to Success Personal Statement - 6

Perseverance and Persistence the Key to Success - Personal Statement Example It is not a hidden fact that in India and other countries with similar culture, the head of families, the eldest brother in my case, is expected to support all the other family members and do anything and everything that falls under their responsibilities or even beyond. And the list of such responsibilities is endless. For instance, I am supposed to feed and drape them, meet the expense of my siblings’ education, accumulate enough funds for my sisters’ dowry and wedding expenditures and also to set aside finances for the recommencement of my own professional education. Besides these and other duties, if I want to study, develop a better career for myself or do anything else for my self-actualization, then that all have to be secondary when it comes to prioritizing my tasks. It is not a hidden fact that in India and other countries with similar culture, the head of families, the eldest brother in my case, is expected to support all the other family members and do anythi ng and everything that falls under their responsibilities or even beyond. And the list of such responsibilities is endless. For instance, I am supposed to feed and drape them, meet the expense of my siblings’ education, accumulate enough funds for my sisters’ dowry and wedding expenditures and also to set aside finances for the recommencement of my own professional education. Besides these and other duties, if I want to study, develop a better career for myself or do anything else for my self-actualization, then that all have to be secondary when it comes to prioritizing my tasks.         Mostly men belonging to this region of the world, in such scenarios give up their own individuality and compromise on their self-esteem. The culture calls for too much devotion and self-less commitments. I certainly praise the inhabitants of this region for their fidelity and conformity to any circumstances they are made to live in. The immense disappointment is when a man loses his own distinctiveness. I think people should stay persistent in what they want to do and how they want to do it. This does not suggest a rebellious attitude at all. I can easily say that I m a good son and a brother, at the same time I excel in all other professional matters too. If one has the mindset to take up challenges and prove oneself, then nothing remains unattainable. It takes an extraordinary amount of discipline though. I have always managed my time so as to accommodate all of my tasks. Assigning priorities makes life easier. But it should be better done than said.

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics Essay

A Person Who Has Made Some Contribution to Mathematics - Essay Example Moreover, a large number of the discoveries made by these prominent mathematicians have a basis in the medicine, technologies, and science that are currently common place (Hazewinkel 8). All in all, there are some recognized individuals who have made significant contributions to mathematics and their names cannot be disregarded. One of these significant people is Pythagoras. This paper will look at Pythagoras as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of mathematics. Pythagoras made leading contributions to religious and philosophical teachings in the final period of the 6th century BC. Pythagoras is frequently venerated as a great mystic, mathematician, and scientist. Also, he is largely associated with the Pythagorean Theorem which was named after him. Nevertheless, because obfuscation and legend obscure his work even more than that of the other philosophers who existed during the pre-Socratic period, individuals are only compelled to only provide specula tive accounts of his instructions, and a number of people have questioned if made much contribution to natural philosophy and mathematics. It may be argued that a large composition of the achievements credited to Pythagoras may in reality have been achievements of his successors and colleagues. In addition, whether or not his followers believed that everything was connected to mathematics and that numbers were the definitive reality is not known. It has also been asserted that Pythagoras was the first person to refer to himself as a philosopher. A philosopher refers to an individual who loves wisdom. It has also been argued that his notions employed a marked inspiration on Plato, and through him, the entire philosophy in the West. Additionally, Pythagoras was very properly educated (Malone 22). He was also inspired by several philosophers while he was a child. The most significant philosophers who inspired him include Thales and Pherekydes. Thales was the one who introduced him to m athematical concepts. Pythagoras became interested in cosmology, astronomy, and math because of Thales. Pythagoras was fascinated by all concepts of mathematics. Pythagoras was captivated by numbers and the concept of numbers. He developed a theory which asserted that every relation would be decreased to some form of number. In addition, he developed a theory on scales and ratios being created with the reverberation of vibrating strings. His ideas made a tremendous contribution to the music theory. Moreover, Pythagoras researched numerous different forms of numbers, for example, perfect squares, odd numbers, and triangles. He supposed that every number was unique and different and contained its own individual characteristic. For instance, it may be argued that ten is the most suitable number because it has four successive integers, that is, 1+2+3+4=10. However, the most tremendous contribution made by Pythagoras to the field of mathematics in the current period is Pythagoras theorem . Pythagoras has always been given credit for developing the Pythagoras theorem since the 4th century AD. The Pythagoras theorem is a theorem in geometry which explains that in all right-angled triangles the area of the square on the side opposite the right angle is equivalent to the aggregate of the squares of the other two sides. While the Pythagoras theorem was previously known and employed by the Indians and Babylonians, he or his apprentices, are frequently said to have developed the foremost evidence (Hermann 76). Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the manner in which the Indians and Babylonians dealt with Pythagorean numbers indicates that they were aware that the idea was, in general, valid, and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Sleep-Wake Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Sleep-Wake Cycle - Essay Example In the decrement of circadian processes, sleep homeostasis takes charge, allowing for sleep opportunities to dominate (Martinez-Rodriguez & Santamaria, 2005). As part of biological rhythm, patterns in sleep-wake cycle may vary, depending on developmental age, but some of its mechanisms remain the same. Anatomical Description Neurological in origin, sleep-wake cycle is governed by brain structures, which in turn regulates neurochemical mechanisms. On structural construct, hypothalamus in midbrain is home to suprachiasmatic nucleus, which primarily controls circadian patterns of being awake and asleep (Conn, 2006). Progressively, arousal states in consciously-aware individuals are governed by several neurological parts: â€Å"brainstem...thalamus, and basal forebrain.† These anatomic landmarks are sources for several neurotransmitters, which chemically influence the sleep-wake cycle--promoting active or passive stimulation. Specifically, wakefulness is generated by chemical reac tions with â€Å"hyprocretin and locus coeruleus in hypothalamus and dopamine in thalamus,† while sleepiness is induced by â€Å"serotonin in brainstem and prostaglandin in forebrain† (Stiller, & Postolache, 2005, p. 2008). Each is either inhibited or exploited in order to maintain balance between wakefulness and sleepiness. If a part malfunctions, other neurochemicals compensate, before disruptions in sleep-wake cycle manifest. ... In stage 1, there is initial drowsiness and progression towards light sleep. On the next stage, light sleep deepens into true sleep--consistently repeated at midnight. In the last two stages, 3 and 4, biologic functions are slower, and slow-wave category of sleep takes place. This frequently occurs early in sleeping episodes and account for less than a quarter of overall sleeping time. As NREM has been through, more active brain activity signals entry into REM. Brain stimulation is intensive compared to previous levels in NREM, with distinctive â€Å"rapid eye movement...muscle paralysis, and dreaming† (Davis & Parker, 2004). As NREM occupies earlier periods of sleeping time, REM is exhibited during early mornings. In cyclical manner, sleep levels must pass from phases in NREM to REM, and constantly repeated as the chain is through--to achieve restful sleep. Sleep-wake Changes in Age Development Between the lengths of staying awake and falling asleep, there is a supposed diffe rence in this aspect for young and older groups. Length of continuous sleep is shortest in newborns, with less than 4 hours, and increases by 2 hours as they get older--totaling to 14-16 hours per day. In adolescence stage, 10 to 12 hours of sleep is common (Davis & Parker, 2004). Nonetheless, shortened sleep in young children lengthens with age augmentation, and declines as old age approaches. Significantly, circadian wake indicator is an hour or two earlier in older ones; hence, the range between staying awake and falling asleep is no longer proportional to that of younger samples (Billiard & Kent, 2003). The source for such alteration is traced back to circadian rhythm, where diminished natural processes change the older generations’ ability to stay asleep. As circadian

Monday, October 28, 2019

Functional Assessments and Intervention Strategies Essay Example for Free

Functional Assessments and Intervention Strategies Essay Dewolfe (1997) discusses the relevant points on the book written by Reichle and Wacker (1997) about the effective approaches in terms of assessing challenging behaviors; and what are the intervention strategies that could be employed in order to decrease the risks for the development of a challenging behavior. According to Reichle and Wacker (1997), the most effective venue for the assessment of challenging behavior could be conducted in natural environments such as home, school and local community (para 2). Also, another key factor that must be kept in mind with regards to changing childrens challenging behavior is the idea that when one wants to change a behavior of a particular child, it necessarily follows, that the behavior of those people around her should also be changed. Effective interventions are also very relevant most specially the rate, quality and the effort that is given on the reinforcement (para 3). Reichle and Wacker (1997) also emphasized that Communications Based Interventions are the best approach in terms of dealing with challenging behavior (para 4). Such a type of intervention should be followed by a functional assessment that should be able to understand the child very well. In effect of this, what will one have is a communication based approach that perfectly matches the need of the child. The facilitation of an intervention program has been emphasized by Reichle and Wacker (1997) has to be conducted in natural settings. As such, the traditional notion that interventions should be normally done in clinics are no longer that patronized. Discussion The rate in which challenging behavior has been increasing now a days is understandable. On the advent of the 21st century where everything is in set to be in fast paced, most parents tend to forgot their responsibility to their children. On the first part of this paper, the author was able to enumerate the different causes and various risk factors of challenging behavior. In a nutshell, one could see that majority of the causes stem out because the mother fails to take care of her child during the prenatal stage and even during the early years of the child. Fox, Dunlap and Powell (2002) emphasized the necessity of early intervention during childhood in order to prevent the development of challenging behavior. In addition with this, the perception that problematic behaviors among toddlers and preschool-age children should not be dismissed as mere effects of his or her development stage. Rather, parents should be vigilant to see the patterns and the rate in which challenging behaviors occur and significantly think of a plan in order to address such a problem. The case of June is a good example on how a child develops challenging behavior during her life. June is perceived to be raised in a broken family. It could be implied that the source of family income is solely shouldered by her mother, hence leaving her and her siblings with small amount of time. In addition with this, the fact that June has two other siblings that her mother have to take care and worry about, further decreases the chance that June could be given appropriate attention and guidance. It is clear from the history of June and her other siblings that they somehow share the same patterns of behavior. Although the author could not completely distinguish if such is the result of how they are reared or maybe how did their mother take care of herself during pregnancy; but it could be seen that such a pattern of behavior is clearly evident to be existing within her family circle. The manner in which June was assessed, intervened and treated in her school could be seen as one of the most effective steps in which one could deal with challenging behavior. The team used a Communications Based Intervention (Reichle and Wacker (1997) in order to deal with the problem. One could recall that the manner in which the teacher talked to June allowed her to express her feelings and also allowed her to tell stories that upset her within the family and also within the school. In addition with this, the assessments that were made to June are done in a natural environment, such as her school. It could be recalled that various attempts are also made by Junes residential and community program placements, but such proves to be null. As such, the author perceived that the assessment at the school, wherein June spends mostly her time is a very effective approach because not only that she will be able to properly relate with her peers, such an approach will also pave the way for more understanding and willingness to support among her teachers. Reicle and Wacker (1997) emphasized the need of other people to also change their behaviors if they wanted to help a child with challenging behavior. It could be significantly noted that Laursen (2005) claimed that the team that is taking care and assisting June has also made an effort to make her educators understand the depth of her problem and how their support could help her to overcome her challenging behavior. In relation with this, the author wanted to introduce the notion of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) of Fox, Dunlap and Powell (2002) in order to change challenging behaviors among children. The PBS is tailored to meet the specific needs of the child and also takes into careful consideration all of the contexts in which problems with regard to challenging behaviors emerge. The model devised by Dunlap and Fox (1999) as cited from Fox, Dunlap and Powell (2002) creates an Individualized Support Program (ISP) that seeks to help the family and the childs care givers in order to change his or her difficult behavior. The ISP model revolves on two major steps which is the functional assessment and the person centered planning. The functional assessment focuses on accumulating detailed information about the childs behavior, activities, and other contexts that could be helpful for the family, taking into consideration the cause and effects of a particular behavior. Consequently, the person-centered planning centers on the expression of the childs dreams and other challenges that the child perceived to have within his or her family. After such, a behavior support plan will be created which is perfectly in accordance to the specific needs of the child.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shakespeare Movie Reviews :: essays research papers

True love, can be a fantasy come true or you worst nightmare in my perspective, for love is a strong word and its used to frequently, but in the three movies I have observed you find yourself truly believing in love and in my opinion, True love is out there, and if your lucky you will meet the right person, the man or woman of your dreams. The three movies I picked are Shakespearean plays, Romeo and Juliet, the modern movie made in 1996, Othello which is also a known classic, tragic love story, where two people truly loved each other and tired to make it work, but had many obstacles to overcome, with family and race. What is true love? Love means a warm liking or affection for a person, affectionate devotion. Does the way Romeo describe Juliet sound like love to you? In my opinion love does not occur at first sight, it is something that you need to work towards. This Shakespeare play is a classic made into a modern gang bang performance, with knifes not daggers, exceptionally ensemble cars, and different attitudes and clothing. The cast of Romeo and Juliet, in the recent movie made in 1996, The tale of Romeo & Juliet is about the happenings of two forbidden lovers. Their families The Montagues and The Capulets share an ancient grudge, and now it has broken to a new mutiny. The Capulets only daughter Juliet meets the Montagues only son Romeo at a costume ball held at the Capulet mansion. They experience love at first sight, each falling desperately in love as they see the other through an amazing fishtank. Their love is so strong that they are married the next day, keeping everything secret from their parents. Juliet's cousin Tybalt is angry at Romeo for being present at the Capulet ball, and he sets out to challenge Romeo to a duel. He meets up with Romeo just after Romeo and Juliet's marriage and in the effort to get Romeo to fight him(Romeo refuses to fight, Romeo's best friend Mercutio is killed. Romeo wreaks revenge and in a sudden fit of anger kills Tybalt. He's banished from Verona walls and before go ing to hideout in Mantua he spends the night with his love and wife, Juliet. The following morning Romeo travels to Mantua to wait for things to settle down before he returns to Verona.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Peer Effects and Alcohol Use among College Students, by M. Kremer and D. Levy, :: Peer Pressure Essays

Kremer and Levy (2008) analyze to what degree college students who consume alcohol influence their peers. College students could affect their peers’ alcohol consumption, which in turn may lead to damaging effects. For example, peers could potentially disrupt classrooms, be exposed to disease, and lower their grade point average, start binge drinking, abuse illegal drugs, and even die. These affects may generate multiplier effects in the future. Earlier studies have examined this issue of alcohol consumption and the negative peer effects among college students. Sacerdote (2001) examines peer effects in universities. He finds evidence that supports this theory that students whose roommates reported high beer consumption were more likely to replicate the same behavior. Kremer and Levy (2003) noted that peers who had a roommate that drank could potentially increase the peer’s preference for alcohol consumption. The Cooperative Institutional Research Program’s (CIRP’s) Entering Student Survey demonstrated GPA’s declining in peers whose roommates drank alcohol frequently, especially those who had in high school. The survey classified males as being especially sensitive to peer influences. Empirical data presented by Wechsler, Lee, Kuo & Lee (2000) show that alcohol use and abuse reported by 40% of university students had been binge drinking at least once within the past two weeks and it was concluded that alcohol use, and more specifically binge drinking, is a social influence by peers. There are various economic theories presented in this article. For example, in the context of academic achievement, the assumptions made are that peers could affect others’ preferences, as seeing their friends consume alcohol also stimulates the desire in the other student to consume alcohol. Many theoretical models assume that students’ academic achievements are a linear function of their peer’s ability to influence their behavior as well. The theories presented consist of peers’ effects on the influence of preferences, leading to lower academic achievement because the student’s study is disrupted. The assumption that students who are frequent drinkers being roomed with another frequent drinker would increase their alcohol consumption and possibly lead to binge drinking based on variables, preferences model, and theoretical models which assume the student’s academic outcomes are a linear function of their peer influence, and multiplier effe cts. Kremer and Levy find from the empirical works that some individuals are more vulnerable than others in the influence to increase alcohol consumption. The increase in alcohol consumption is more commonly linked to the desire for social acceptability.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reaction to and Criticism of Behavior and Cognitive Therapies Essay

Behavior therapy and cognitive therapy are both popular methods used by counselors and therapists to change a person’s perception about themselves and situations surrounding them. In this essay, the writer will attempt to critique each type of therapy, as well as give a short personal reaction to each. Behavior therapy was developed from several older theories, but it has definitely gone its own way in terms of how â€Å"abnormal behaviors† are looked at and treated (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). For example, unwanted behaviors are not immediately classified as illnesses, and they are treated as normal behaviors are in terms of how they are developed (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). According to the chapter, abnormal behaviors are learned in much the same way as normal behaviors (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 243). It is human nature to learn through experiences, so bad experiences over a long period of time would logically lead to abnormal behavior. However, if someone is alerted that their behaviors are unacceptable and must change, behavioral therapy can give the person training in how to reverse that behavior (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 244). Basically, this writer draws from the reading that making someone want to change their behavior is behind the success of behavioral therapy. It is human nature to want to fit into society, and so making eliminating unwanted behavior seem like a way to achieve â€Å"fitting in† is enough motivation for most people to change. The behavior therapy chapter was full of good information on ways to make people change their behaviors. The authors admitted that this type of therapy usually takes quite a few sessions, and I can easily understand why that would be the case (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 263). In particular, if one reads the case study involving the man with the uncontrollable urge to expose himself, it is easy to see how a behavior that has spanned twenty years would be very hard to let go of (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, pp. 273-276). However, finding the basis of the behavior and taking steps to make it undesirable saved him from another confinement (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 276). I feel that behavior therapy plays on the primal human urge to not stand out. This would make it a good approach to use on a person who feels cut off from society, and a good way to make them feel more accepted. Cognitive therapy is based less on what a person does and more on how a person thinks (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 285). It is similar to the psychoanalytic method, but differs in that the thoughts of a person can be interpreted for what they are, not as vessels for repressed memories (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). Many people have distorted ideas about themselves and their world, and that is where psychological problems stem from(Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 286). The idea of cognitive therapy is to take those ideas and restructure them into views that are actually more in sync with what is true (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). This writer believes that many people could benefit from cognitive therapy, because many look down on themselves and think that they are less than what they are. Although cognitive therapy is based on thought, and seems to assert it is human nature to be led by one‘s thoughts, it is often combined with behavior therapy(Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 288). I believe this is because thoughts lead to actions, so undesirable thoughts would naturally lead to undesirable actions. The authors state that part of cognitive therapy is testing if thoughts are logical, and working on ways to change them if they are not (Corsini and Wedding, 2006, p. 287). The only concern I would have with this method would be using it with someone who is potentially suicidal. Having someone reflect on such dangerous thoughts might end in tragedy if the situation were not handled correctly. Overall, the cognitive approach along with the behavioral approach to therapy seems to be a good fit for a lot of the psychological problems that plague people.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exploring Harry Potter essays

Exploring Harry Potter essays It is clear that J.K. Rowling took extraordinary care in crafting the first book in her Harry Potter series. Therefore, it appears that there must be some significance to the fact that Harry believed that his parents died in a car crash before learning that he was a wizard. In order to understand that significance, it is important to examine how Harry learned that his parents did not die in a car crash. Interestingly enough, no one in the wizarding world revealed the true nature of his parents death, instead his aunt Petunia exploded about their deaths when Harry was approached by Hogwarts: Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you, and of course I knew youd be just the same, just as strange, just as as abnormal and then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you! Harry had gone very white. As soon as he found his voice he said, Blown up? You told me they died in a car crash! CAR CRASH! roared Hagrid, jumping up so angrily that the Dursleys scuttled back to their corner. How could a car crash kill Lily an James Potter? Its an outrage! A scandal! Harry Potter not knowin his own story when every kid in our world knows his name! (Rowling, p.53). From the passage, it is clear that Petunia has a tremendous amount of disdain for wizards in general, and Harry in particular. Therefore, it seems likely that this disdain is at the root of their lies about the method of Lily and James death. As a result, it is important to understand Petunias disdain for wizards and wizardry, in order to understand why she lied about the manner of James and Lilys death. The Dursleys issues with Harry being a wizard are an important element of foreshadowing. By denying that wizardry had anything to do with the death of his parents, the...