Monday, November 4, 2019

Perseverance and Persistence the Key to Success Personal Statement - 6

Perseverance and Persistence the Key to Success - Personal Statement Example It is not a hidden fact that in India and other countries with similar culture, the head of families, the eldest brother in my case, is expected to support all the other family members and do anything and everything that falls under their responsibilities or even beyond. And the list of such responsibilities is endless. For instance, I am supposed to feed and drape them, meet the expense of my siblings’ education, accumulate enough funds for my sisters’ dowry and wedding expenditures and also to set aside finances for the recommencement of my own professional education. Besides these and other duties, if I want to study, develop a better career for myself or do anything else for my self-actualization, then that all have to be secondary when it comes to prioritizing my tasks. It is not a hidden fact that in India and other countries with similar culture, the head of families, the eldest brother in my case, is expected to support all the other family members and do anythi ng and everything that falls under their responsibilities or even beyond. And the list of such responsibilities is endless. For instance, I am supposed to feed and drape them, meet the expense of my siblings’ education, accumulate enough funds for my sisters’ dowry and wedding expenditures and also to set aside finances for the recommencement of my own professional education. Besides these and other duties, if I want to study, develop a better career for myself or do anything else for my self-actualization, then that all have to be secondary when it comes to prioritizing my tasks.         Mostly men belonging to this region of the world, in such scenarios give up their own individuality and compromise on their self-esteem. The culture calls for too much devotion and self-less commitments. I certainly praise the inhabitants of this region for their fidelity and conformity to any circumstances they are made to live in. The immense disappointment is when a man loses his own distinctiveness. I think people should stay persistent in what they want to do and how they want to do it. This does not suggest a rebellious attitude at all. I can easily say that I m a good son and a brother, at the same time I excel in all other professional matters too. If one has the mindset to take up challenges and prove oneself, then nothing remains unattainable. It takes an extraordinary amount of discipline though. I have always managed my time so as to accommodate all of my tasks. Assigning priorities makes life easier. But it should be better done than said.

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