Friday, October 18, 2019

Unit 3 discussion legal and Ethics Research Paper

Unit 3 discussion legal and Ethics - Research Paper Example They give directives on how to interact and gain confidence of culturally diverse clients and this is through becoming culturally sensitive about their culture. I will first of all conduct culture-centred research in order to understand the culture of the group from their linguistic to their cultural background in order to be culturally compliant (Lee, 2006). The case is of Cynthia who wants to go back to school and start her own career but her husband threatens to divorce her if she does so. The main dilemma is on whether to follow her dreams and go against her husband’s wishes and the culture of just continue feeling depressed and take care of her family (Corey, Corey and Callanan, 2010). Going against her husband will cause her to lose him but will have her happiness and obeying him will lead to more depression to an extent of not even being able to take care of her family. The family is important in this culture and so is obeying the husband because he is the head of the family. The best way to handle this is to make Cynthia be aware of the pros and cons in either of the decision and whether she is ready to handle the cons of her decision. Make her decide what will bring her utmost happiness while at the same time taking care of her children effectively without having to compromise much with the culture. This is walking her th rough her problems without making any decisions for her but letting her decide for herself

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