Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Alzheimer s Disease Vs. Dementia - 2014 Words

Alzheimer s disease vs. Dementia Name Institution Alzheimer s disease vs. Dementia Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, progressive disease of the brain that gradually destroys memory as well as thinking skills. It eventually destroys the ability to perform the simplest chores. In many individuals with Alzheimer’s, the symptoms manifest after 65 years of age. Among the elderly people, Alzheimer’s illness is the leading cause of dementia (Stern, 2006). Dementia includes a loss of behavioral abilities and cognitive function including thinking, reasoning, and remembering. The loss of behavioral abilities and cognitive function may interfere with an individual’s daily activities of living. Dementia varies in severity from the mildest phase, at onset, affecting an individual’s functioning to the most serious phase when the individual must depend entirely on other people for basic daily living activities. (Pasquier, 1999). This paper will explain the difference between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia since the two are greatly confuse d. Alzheimer‘s disease disrupts the regular functioning of the brain, bringing about dementia (Patterson et al., 2008). A patient’s mental clarity, memory, and sometimes language abilities progressively decline with time. The disease brings about physical changes inside the brain, whereby certain regions of brain matter enlarge while others shrink. When brain parts enlarge or shrink, the normal links inside get broken, interruptingShow MoreRelatedEffects Of The Brain On Alzheimer s Disease1467 Words   |  6 PagesChanges in the brain may a play role in Alzheimer’s disease Introduction â€Å"Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks individuals with AD may start having symptoms their mid-60s† (nih.gov). 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