Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Network Security - 1610 Words

Network Security 1. What is network security? Network security has changed significantly over the past years. There is more and more data to monitor and analyze in order to detect the activity of your data and systems. Securing a network has many variables. Password authentication, network access, patches, anti-virus protection, intrusion detection, firewall and network monitoring tools are just a few of the things you can do to protect yourself. Threats to your network is becoming more complex and it is requiring lots of money, time and sacrifices to keep up with the growing amount of potential attacks. Companies cannot protect themselves with just a firewall anymore. Now its requiring a full security department that†¦show more content†¦Its the same type of the thing, protecting your computer data from getting in the wrong hands. Who are these wrong hands? The familiar term is hacker which Websters dictionary describes as 3: an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer 4: a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system. One of the main reasons for the high level of network security is because of the bad part of the computer hacking world. 2. How to protect yourself? Protecting yourself is only effective if you know what you are protecting your against and how to protect. There are a couple ways to start getting you more protected. The first is installing the default operating system. This would have a default password, no security patches and no virus protection. The second thing you dont want to do is use simple and common passwords like for example, password. In the 10 immutable laws below, one of the laws is someone is always trying to guess your password so make sure its unique. A third suggestion would be to keep as many ports that you dont need closed and a firewall can do this which is covered in the 3rd section on Security Technologies. Finally, make sure you dont click on any email that you dont recognize or looks suspicions. Many viruses get spread by opening emails or clicking on the link inside. This rule would help decrease the spreadShow MoreRelatedThe Security Of A Home Network1352 Words   |à ‚  6 Pages Yu Lun Chou 1730799 MADS 6638 Computer Security Admin. George Thucydides 4/26/2016 Table of content Introduction Inventory Vulnerability Test Protection Support Incident Response Introduction Information play an essential role in everywhere. For a company, in order to run the company well, information management is a necessary skill, and leaking information, odds are , causes significant damage to the company. 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