Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Sports Violence On Athletes - 1491 Words

When we talk about violence in athletics, we are referring to any form of physical act that is committed by or against the athletes at the time of athletic events. These acts go against the regulations of the athletics bodies that govern the sport. Such acts of violence in athletics involve both deliberate schemes to injure fellow athletes and actual harm or threats directed towards the athletes by the spectators. The act of engaging in violence by some athletes is an attempt to intimidate or injure the opponents. A number of players and coaches have for a number of years been accused of such plots as a way of trying to outdo their opponents. Many of such cases have been welcomed by strict legal measures such as bans from participating in a future sporting activities. Reinforcement is one of the root cause of violence in athletics. Athletes are reinforced to be highly aggressive while competing either in the field or the track by the coach and captain. Their desire to be successful athletes also contribute to the aggressiveness. Sometimes, this aggressiveness may spill over into their social lives. When these athletes exaggerate their aggressiveness and direct into to their opponents, this leads to violence. The aggressive behavior in the filed or tack might sometimes be carried into other areas outside the sports arena. This can be a public place, the place of work or the domestic environment. When the athletes transfer their hostile behavior into these avenues, it isShow MoreRelatedThe Damaging Effect Of Sports On Women924 Words   |  4 PagesThe Damaging Effect of Sports on Women When it comes to the topic of sports, many people would assert that sports are a tool that can be used to bring people together. However, in her essay, â€Å"We Don’t Like Football, Do We?† Mariah Burton Nelson argues that sports have created a platform where men can be brought together to diminish the ideas and worth of women. 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